Changescape Web, Bogey Hills Country Club, and the St. Charles Chamber of Commerce participated in this presentation on a closer look at Facebook Marketing as a part of the St. Charles County Chambers of Commerce Technology Committee monthly meeting. This session provided updates on recent changes in Facebook, as well as a look at two local organizations who are effectively using Facebook for their businesses.
In Part 1, Ken Tucker of Changescape Web served as the facilitator and discussed why should businesses care about Facebook.
In Part 2, Scott Tate of the St. Charles Chamber discussed how they use their Facebook Page.
In Part 3, Denny Walters Jr. of Bogey Hills Country Club discussed how they use their Facebook Page.
In Part 4, Ken Tucker of Changescape Web discussed important recent updates in Facebook the update in the layout of the Business Page, changes in the news feed including Edgerank and Top Stories vs. Most Recent, Facebook Deal, Facebook Places and Check-Ins, and the impact of Social Search.
Changescape Web provides a free 30 minute social media consultation on how your business can effectively use Facebook Marketing for Businesses.