June 26

4 Easy Ways to Find Keywords for Content Creation


Find keywords for content - what are your keywords

You’ve probably heard that creating relevant and memorable content for your website is essential. How to find keywords for content can be a stumbling block for many businesses. And many business owners either don’t have the time to create content or don’t know how. They might have great ideas for website content but don’t know how to get those ideas down on paper. If this describes your situation, keep reading for a few suggestions on how to make the process easier and more productive.

Find Keywords for Content

Without a keyword strategy to help guide and focus your content, you either create the wrong content or get frustrated because you aren’t getting the results you want. Keywords help you organize and plan your content creation strategy.

1. Google Queries – Auto Suggest

  • Type in some common phrases or questions into a Google search.
  • Pay attention to the suggestions Google presents as you type – record these suggestions or research these phrases for your purposes – important enough or common enough for Google to suggest them. Example: typing Kitchen Remodeler St Louis Google auto suggested Kitchen Remodel Contractors St Louis.
  • Begin typing in some of the suggested phrases you found and see what other phrases Google suggest.
  • Repeat this process until you get a robust set of keyword phrases.

2. Google Searches Related To

  • Once you’ve typed in a search phrase and get the search results page back on Google, scroll to the bottom of the page to see what Google shows at “Searches related to” the search phrase you typed in.
  • Document appropriate related search phrases and type them in to see what Google Auto suggests as well as to see other Searches related to
  • Repeat this process until you get a robust set of keyword phrases

3. Add a Location to Your Search Phrases

  • The keywords from the above provide a great start but if you provide products or services in a specific location then you need to focus on local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) keywords. These are typically products or services followed by a location. For example: Kitchen Remodeler St. Louis. You need to focus your keywords on providing services or products in the locations that are important for your business.

4. Advanced Tip – Google Keyword Planner

  • Take the keywords you’ve developed from the Google Auto Suggest and the Google Searches related to and use those phrases as seed keyword phrases in the Google Keyword Planner tool to get many more keyword ideas.

Now That You Have Your Keywords, Go Create Some Content!

Simple content creation ideas:

  • Every email you write to a customer provides a potential answer that you should put on your website. If one customer has a question or an issue, how many others have the same or similar question or issue? An individual email answers only one customer, a blog post is available for anyone to find online.
  • After you leave a job site, do a voice recording on your phone to describe the project and problem you solved and the issue you resolved. Have these recordings transcribed so they can be turned into FAQs, SAQs, or blog posts.
  • Shoot video on your phone to show a customer issue or situation. Use the video on Facebook, YouTube, and your website (with customer permission of course). Transcribe the video to get written content that can be used for SEO on YouTube or your website.
  • Take before and after pictures of projects. Give each photo a descriptive name. Turn on the geo-coding feature on your camera – geo-coding is important for SEO. Remember – picture quality is important!
  • Document each project with video or audio recordings and create project portfolios or blog posts from the projects you complete for customers. Transcribe the video or audio recordings for written content that helps with local SEO. Potential customers want to see your work and want ideas for their projects. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words!
  • Continue to do the above on a regular basis and content creation will not be a problem!

Let us know some of your favorite ways to find keywords or easy ways to create content!



Content Creation, Creating Content, Find Keywords, Google, Keyword Planner, keyword research, Keywords Phrases, Search Phrase, Seo Keywords

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