Social CRM for Small Businesses

Social Media has become such a big deal over the last several years.  But how can you fully take advantage of the power of social media for your small business?  Become a Social Business!

Integrating Social Media with traditional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionality in a cost effective way makes it easy for any business to become a social business.

Ken Tucker of Changescape Web recently presented on Social Customer Relationship Management (sCRM) for the St. Charles County Chambers of Commerce Technology Committee.

The presentation covers what a fully functioning Social CRM should contain by feature Nimble.  Nimble is a low-cost, subscription based Social CRM platform.  It includes

      • Contact Management
      • Activity / Task / Calendar Management
      • Social Listenting for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+
      • Unified Inbox for Email and Messages from Social Networks
      • Opportunity / Deal Tracking
      • Numerous 3rd Party Integrations

The presentation also included an examination of other tools that bring social features to your email and traditional contact management.

The slides and video (coming soon) for the presentation are provided below.


The video below addresses sCRM from the beginning of the video to minute 32:30, then we pick up the demo of Nimble at minute 40:45 until the end of the video.


Changescape Web provides Social CRM and Small Business CRM consulting across the St. Louis and St. Charles metro areas.  It’s time to take advantage of Social CRM (sCRM)!

Learn more about Nimble … and transform your business into a social business!

Changescape Web is a Nimble Solutions Partner based in St. Louis, MO.  We use Nimble to help businesses transform themselves into a social business.

Changescape Web’s expertise in Social Media Marketing and Management, coupled with the simple and afordable power of Nimble, provides you with the strategy and execution to thrive in today’s ecomony.

Ready to take the next step?  Complete the form to the right to receive a free 30 minute consultation to see how Social CRM can help your business.