Clear and Concise Statement of What You Offer
*graphic or icon
Element of Success
*graphic or icon
Element of Success
*graphic or icon
Element of Success
*image of success in background
*make sure copy passes Grunt Test
This can be your one-liner or a one sentence testimonial from a client.
Include Elements of Authority (logos of past clients + as featured in + etc)
Value Proposition
A specific value you deliver to your customers
A specific value you deliver to your customers
A specific value you deliver to your customers
Process Plan Title
Process Plan Step 1
Description of the process plan
Process Plan Step 1
Description of the process plan
Process Plan Step 1
Description of the process plan
Authority // Testimonials
Testimonial #1
Testimonial #2
Testimonial #3
How are we different?
This is the Explanation Section. This copy can be a paragraph synthesis of your company's BrandScript. If there are multiple paragraphs, show only the 1st paragraph, and make the remaining copy collapsable text.
Price Choices
Price Choice #1
Price Choice #2
Price Choice #3
What is it costing your clients to not do business with you?
This copy should come from the failure and success buckets. Frame the cost of your product / service by showing the client that there is something at stake if they don't engage with you. This offsets the price of your products.
This is the junk drawer. FAQ + Contact Us + Employment + Social Links