June 18

Facebook Advertising Made Easy: 3 Basic Components


So you have figured out that you want to use Facebook Advertising to further your marketing reach. Meaning, you have narrowed down your advertising budget, you know you have a consistent amount of people who use your website daily, and you want a more creative approach to advertise your services.

Facebook Advertising Made Easy Structure

We’re here to break down all of the overwhelming information Facebook provides you, in order to help you easily create an effective Facebook ad.

Choosing Facebook to advertise is a great decision for social media marketing because it gives you a variety of ways to be creative. Facebook is also the most used social network platform worldwide, with 2.19 billion users. Using Facebook’s advertising tools, your advertisement is bound to reach a wide number of audiences.  However, if you are just starting out, Facebook Ads Manager may seem a little overwhelming.

Facebook is very efficient with the way they help businesses track their online ads, so when you first look, it may be confusing. Here are some basic terms and guides that will help you get started advertising easily on Facebook. Let’s begin with the three basic advertising levels in the Facebook Ad Structure.

The first thing you need to know about Facebook advertising is the three levels that will keep your ad organized. These include:

  1.    Campaigns
  2.    Ad Sets
  3.    Ads

This structure will help your advertisement stay in focus, and will easily guide you to what is and what is not working within the entire advertising campaign.

1. Facebook Ad Campaigns

Campaigns are the most objective point of the whole advertisement. Think about what kind of results you want from your Facebook advertisement. Maybe the goal of your advertisement is to send people to your website, so they will purchase from a sale you are currently hosting. You are then going for a traffic or conversion related ad, one that will get people from Facebook to your website. Facebook has three different objective categories to choose from: awareness, consideration, and conversion.

Facebook Advertising Made Easy

Because you want to see people going from your Facebook advertisement to your website, you will want to click on traffic. This tracks the number of people who are checking out your website because of the ad you placed on Facebook. However, this is pretty broad. Now you need to get an idea of who your audience is. What they like and dislike. You need to get their attention, but you got to get to know them. That is the Ad sets come into play.

2. Facebook Ad Sets

For a more descriptive idea of who your audience is, you will want to focus on your ad sets. You have your campaign objective, but what is it you would like to know personally about your audience? Ad sets are more specific than the ad campaign. This is where you need to have a specific target, age, budget, and placement of your Facebook advertisement.

Facebook Advertising Made Easy

The great thing about the advertising levels is that you can create as many ad sets as you want within your campaign. Let’s say you want to target women in their 30s and 40s who are single; you could compare this ad set to one that targets women in their 30s and 40s who are married and see which of the two your advertisement attracts the most. You also have the option to turn off these ad sets if you feel that one is working better than the other, or you want to see how one does without the other.

Ad Sets also allow you to create custom and lookalike audiences. A custom audience is created by gathering the information on those who purchase from your website, follow you on social media, or are members of your email list, then grouping them together to gather insights. Lookalike audiences are people you reach out to because they share the same characteristics as your existing customers.

Custom and lookalike audiences both give you the opportunity to reach new people who might be interested in your advertisement, ultimately giving you more clicks.

3. Facebook Ads

Facebook Advertising Made Easy

Now that you know what you want to say and who to specifically target, to get your message across, you can get creative with how you display your ad. You could use beautiful images that capture the idea of your business. Videos are very popular these days and have been doing exceptionally well on Facebook. There are a variety of layouts for your content strategy. However, try to keep it simple! Some things to consider when creating image content for Facebook:

  •    Always use your own photos
  •    Recommended image size: 1200 x 628 pixels
  •    Images may not include more than 20% of text

As for video content, the best performing ads are 60 seconds or less (although Facebook allows a maximum length of 4 hours) and must follow  the same text rules as images. Be aware that Facebook reviews each type of advertisement to make sure it complies with guidelines.

Using the three basic levels for the structure of Facebook advertising, you will stay organized in your ad campaigns. Having an idea of how you develop your campaign, ad set, and the ad will make it easier to narrow down to the specifics and will help you see the results you want.  

Ready to get started, or need help with your Facebook ads?

Changescape Web can provide the guidance, creativity, and management to help you effectively use Facebook ads for your business. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.



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