December 11

Top Reasons to use WordPress to Build Your Website

WordpressCreating engaging content is one of the most important things that any business can do for search engine optimization (SEO).  Businesses that blog have 55% more traffic to their websites than businesses that don’t blog.  WordPress is blogging software that builds websites.

There are many website solutions that will allow users to add or change content without knowing how to program.  But WordPress sites have several key features that can make your website a powerful marketing machine.

The single most important thing to do to improve search engine optimization is to blog.  Google loves blogs, so developing your website using WordPress blogging software jumpstarts to SEO process.  WordPress websites are easy to set up for on-page optimization.  Optimizing content for search is a real strength of WordPress.

WordPress can build gorgeous websites or effective content machines.  It really is a solution that can be used for a wide variety of businesses.

Maintaining a WordPress Website is cheaper than most other website solutions for creating content.  Whether you do it yourself or you outsource maintenance of your website, it is less expensive to make changes or add content to WordPress sites.  This includes adding new capabilities and features.

This is really important.  Many businesses plan on updating their content and adding new content, but often get distracted or overwhelmed by other aspects of the business.  So when you have a WordPress website, it allows the company you outsource this responsibility to to be more productive and should cost less than hiring a programmer.

There’s a plug-in for almost everything.  Instead of having to write code to add new features to your website, you can install a plug-in to add the capability.  This has a couple of benefits.  First, it reduces the cost and time of website development.  Second, WordPress plug-ins are reviewed and tested by a community to ensure quality.  Third, most plug-ins are free or very low cost.

Integration with Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can be done quickly and effectively.  Creating engaging content on your WordPress website and promoting it through social networks is a great way to increase links to your website.

This approach is the of creating content optimized for search, then promoting it through social networks is the best way to organically improve search engine optimization and is ultimately to most cost effective way to increase traffic to your website.

WordPress websites provide the foundation to create a powerful online marketing hub to increase website traffic and generate leads for your business.  With WordPress websites, you can build your website and add the features that are important to build success now and for the future.

WP Engine hosting


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